In English

Zander Finland FLAG

Founded in 2022, Zander Finland FLAG is running its first funding period in European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). Our territory covers Tampere region, South Ostrobothnia and Kanta-Häme with its big lakes, rivers and scenic rapids. Including both the most populous, inland city in the Nordic countries and rural areas Zander Finland FLAG develops small scale commercial fishing, fishing tourism and other fisheries related projects of general interest in the heart of the most important urban, economic and cultural centre in the whole of inland Finland.

Map of the Zander Finland/Kuha-Suomi FLAG

FLAGs in Finland

Flourishing fisheries – best ideas come from grassroots level

Zander Finland FLAG has a total of almost  834,000 euros of funds, of which 90% comes from the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF), 10% from the 34 municipalities of our region. Approximately EUR 663,000 can be granted for the financing of projects in accordance with our ”From the lake to the plate” development strategy.  There are four priorities in the strategy, which the funded projects must fit into:

  1. Sustainable local food and services for the consumers

The goal is to shorten the journey of fish from the lake to the plate by developing small scale commercial fishing, logistics and further processing and to increase the supply and use of local fish. In addition, the aim is to get added value to the services of accommodation facilities by using locally caught fish in the offer, as well as to develop underutilized water areas.

  • Getting fishing permits and creating new permit areas for less fished areas is promoted
  • Measures to fit commercial fishing sustainably in relation to fish stocks
  • Measures to increase the sales of local fish and promoting the use of local fish
  • Small scale fisheries development plans are drawn up and measures are planned
  • Increasing diversity, clean fishing waters and preparing for climate change and taking into account its effects

Aiming to develop commercial fishing methods and equipment, and increase the diversity of catched species. Measures to curb climate change are encouraged. Clean fishing waters increase the value of the catch and the services offered.

  • Enabling planning for sustainable fishing and fisheries
  • Supporting investments of general benefit in sustainable fishing
  • Curbing or adapting to the effects of climate change and its effects in the environment
  • Building stronger networks
  • Development of fisheries business

The aim is to have financially profitable businesses in fisheries and entrepreneurs are able to tackle challenges of the sector.

  • Supporting the development of further processing and high-value products
  • Promoting product development of side streams in fisheries
  • Funding market and maerketing surveys or measures
  • Promoting development of professional skills or fishing methods
  • Measures developing work safety, health and ergonomics
  • Helping to take advantage of technology and digital opportunities
  • New entrepreneurs in the fisheries sector

The aim is to increase the attractiveness of the fisheries sector, getting new entrepreneurs into the sector, and developing companies and cooperative activities. The fishing tourism sector is a strongly growing industry and a well-functioning chain of entrepreneurs from commercial fishers to the consumer is needed.

  • Supporting the creation of new companies and the development of existing ones
  • Encouraging the creation of new services
  • Developing cooperation networks of entrepreneurs and new forms of cooperation
  • Enabling measures that transfer know-how to the next generation of fisheries.
  • Increasing the attractiveness of the industry.

Please contact:

Flag Manager

Johanna Möttönen

+358 40 845 7981
